Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sometimes You Need a Push

I'm really good at talking myself out of things. Out of buying something, out of going somewhere, out of countless career paths when I was in college.

But sometimes this is a bad thing. Like when I have a project idea but I talk myself into not doing it because I don't want to waste money on the materials and then watch said project fail, I think I don't have enough time, etc. One of the many good things about having friends who know you better than you know yourself is they know exactly how to give you a push to get you started.

This past weekend my best friend came for a visit. It was so nice to see her and just have some girl time. While we were talking about all of the plans I have in the works for my house, she gave me the motivation to get started on some projects. (Really, she pointed out that if I already have all of the supplies I need to complete a project I don't have much of an excuse to not get 'er done.)

Here is a sneak peek at what I've been working on.

She also set me up with a time line so I will have the project done and ready to share with you on Monday!

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