Friday, January 18, 2013

High 5 for Friday!

Here are my top favorite things from the week!

1. MY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes I turned another year older this week. Do I have any pictures? No, they are on everyone else's cameras/phones. Oh well. My hubby took me out to dinner, my mom made my favorite meal (cheese ravioli) and we're having some friends/family over to hang out tomorrow. It's been a good birthday week.

2. My sister got me an adorable trench coat for my birthday that I love and cannot wait to wear. It's literally below freezing so I'm wearing my extra warm coats for now, but spring time and trench coat weather will be here soon.

3. My other sister got me Raisinetes. I flipped when I saw them, they are one of my faves and I have not had them in seriously more than a year. (Good thing there are no calories on your birthday)

4. I successfully made an egg sandwich! After my first egg disaster (you can read about it here) I was determined to figure it out. Egg sandwiches might be my new go-to lunch.

5. This week at work there was little boy somewhere outside of my office that was laughing his head off with the most adorable/contagious laughter I've ever heard. I have no idea what was making him laugh so much, because I couldn't see him from my office, but I found myself smiling at my desk knowing that something was bringing that little boy pure joy. It's the little things.

I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday!


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